martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

My prototype video clip with Powtoon

Hello everybody!

Here it is my e-project:

Through my video I have tried to catch your attention and curiosity about my project. I have chosen a topic related to geography because I really love it and I wanted to do something different using ICT. The topic is Spain and children will learn the autonomous communities, provinces and culture in depth. Moreover children will use ict tools to get the aims of the unit which I think is more interesting and attractive for them
I have used Powtoon to create it because it has visual tools as animations, props and a variety of resources such as backgrounds, types of text or characters. In addition, you can play music at the same time, which keep the attention of the people. For these reasons you can create many attractive presentations.
Due to this task I have learnt to summerize and synthesize a lesson plan through elaborate a visual way to catch your attention.  

My project´s prototype is develop more in depth in Google docs so in case you have any doubt you can check it here:
Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!

The e-design evaluation

Hello readers,

I had the pleasure of evaluate the Marta´s project she did last year. Here it is the link:

I decided to evaluate this project because I thought it has creative contents and it is originally. As you will see in my assessment, Marta did a good job. Her porject is formed by many different resources made with ict tools, such as inphographic, videos, graphics, etc. Furthemore it is very well structured and easy to understand. She has into account children with special needs.

Doing this assessment I could take some ideas of tools that I hadn´t used yet and realize about the strengths and weaknesses of other projects in order to improve my own tasks. It is something that we must do with our students in class, giving them the opportunity to assess their peers and in this way they will have more critical view.

The tool that I have chosen to present my evaluation is Genially. I didn´t know it before but I´m going to start using it because I love it. You can do great attractive presentations with many different resources. At the beginning it was difficult but once you start it became easier. Genially is a tool that allows you to create all kind of online content (images, posters, presentations, guides, catalogos...) You can get extraordinary results using this tool.

Have a look at my presentation:

I hope you like it :)

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

My Pinterest blackboard

Hello everyone!

As I told you in my last post, with Pinterest you can share different resources. In the next URLs you will find my CLIL blackboard where I´ll share more interesting things about CLIL for your English classes. Have a look at it!

Thank you :)

Resources for CLIL teachers!

Do you know what is Pinterest?  Here you have six CLIL useful resources in Pinterest. With this tool you are going to be able to share ideas, resources about many topics.

In my case I want to share with you CLIL resources for your english classes. I hope you find them useful.

Thank you for read my post ;)   

Creative Common License

Hello people,
This is the licence that I have chosen for my blog:
What does my license allow  others to do with my CLIL e-materials?
My blog license allow you to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. In addition, you are allow to adapt, remis, transform and build upon the material but you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You are not allow to use the material for commercial purposes.

What are good ways to motivate our students to use Creative Commons material and attribute properly?
Doing an activity where children have to use some work they did before, but when they use a peer work they should attriubute it to someone . In this way they realize that their hard work they did before, is useful and also they peers recognize what they made.